Train to Equip provide expertise from a highly skilled team via individual consultancy and personal guidance in the following:
- peer evaluation
Evaluation provides the information necessary to examine how well a programme or initiative is being implemented and to determine whether that programme is achieving desired results. Our experienced consultants are able to bring in depth knowledge of family services from Early Help to families with complex and multiple needs in order to understand how the programme or imitative has been understood and implemented within front line practice. The evaluation report will outline the findings and recommendations in order to shape and improve services to families.
- service development/implementation plans
Following on from completing an evaluation of a service we are able to offer a high quality development/implementation plan that will detail the critical steps in order to implement the findings and recommendations.
- development of Best Practice Tool Kit for practitioners
The design of a best practice tool kit based on evidence of good practice which provides practitioners/family workers with the methodology that underpins whole family working. The bespoke Tool Kit would provide practitioners with a structure/process of the delivery model when working with families and a set of flexible tools to adapt and use when working with families along with practice points for practioners to refer to. The tool kit could be used in its entirety, or simply dip into the sections or tools that are most relevant to the needs of the service area.
- peer to peer self-audit reviews
By using an audit tool that has been designed for family services that incorporates a set of family intervention standards and evidence of quality attainment our consultant will work alongside managers from a number of service areas in order to carry out a peer to peer audit review that identifies good practice and evidence against the standards. Following on from the audit a report is completed that provides an overview of how the service has understood the model of whole family working within front line practice along with findings to ensure that the learning can be reflected on and embedded within practice to enhance service delivery.
- development and implementation of models of working with families
The design and implementation of models of intervention based on good practice and expertise from consultants that have an excellent track record in setting up and managing family services.